In Our Nature’s Danielle Johnson participates in social distancing-friendly nature exploration in her neighborhood using flora and fauna identifying apps Seek and iNaturalist.
Read MoreOur data usage isn’t something we usually think about, but its environmental impacts are astounding. How does ‘big data’ contribute to our carbon footprint? Bella Wilkes investigates.
Read MoreAir travel currently accounts for 2.5% of carbon emissions nationally, with that number rising. Do celebrities have more of a responsibility to diminish this percentage? Are there any ways they can? Read more to hear.
Read MoreWhile all of these Democratic presidential candidate front-runners have signed the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge, that doesn’t mean their environmental policies are created equal. Try your hand at guessing who said which environmentally-themed quote, then learn more about that candidate’s policies!
Read MoreWhat are microplastics, anyway? Casey Beidelman takes a deep dive into the small pollution that’s in our oceans, our food and possibly ourselves.
Read MoreUncover the hidden artistic world of the Wabash Arts Corridor nestled right in the heart of Chicago’s South Loop in Hannah Hall’s debut article.
Read MoreHow much waste is produced at the average college frat party? Why are red solo cups so bad for the environment and what needs to be done? Margo Milanowski has the answers.
Read MoreTo combat climate change, some countries are undertaking large-scale tree-planting projects. To what extent are these successful? How can we combat climate change? Bella Wilkes looks for answers.
Read MoreWith recent studies predicting significant changes to Chicago’s climate and consequently its urban environment, the city may be subject to extensive ecological degradation.
Read MoreWhere can you go to reconnect with nature and do more for the planet? What small changes can you make to drastically improve your own health as well as that of the environment? Emma Belanger has you covered.
Read MoreHave you spent all week inside studying and need to spend some time with plants? Are you suffering from nature withdrawals? Luckily for you, here is a nifty guide to places on or near campus to recharge and connect with nature this Spring, by Emma Belanger.
Read MoreFast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing that are discarded almost as quickly as they are created. It’s harmful to our wallets, well-being and most importantly, the environment. How can we make this phenomenon more widely known to the public? In her debut article, Margo Milanowski proposes a simple solution: infographics.
Read MoreCurious to learn about the organization that first planted the Shakespeare Garden, a place where students and visitors alike love to go to seek quiet refuge? Find out why conservation, education and beautification are central to the Garden Club of Evanston’s goals with Marleigh Thorn’s newest piece.
Read MoreAmbrelyn Rodriguez, a resident of the 10th ward of Chicago, says people often have no idea where that is. However, the nearly 70 industries that surround this community and use it as a dumping ground for harmful pollutants know exactly where the 10th ward is.
Bella Wilkes shares insight into the environmental justice struggles of “the forgotten 10th ward.”
Read MoreMost of us have seen the infamous video, “How Wolves Change Rivers”, and if you haven’t, you should! But what’s the latest on gray wolf numbers in Yellowstone National Park since 2014? Find out by reading Emma Belanger’s latest piece!
Read MoreWhat two things do you and Meghan Merkle have in common? You both attend(ed) Northwestern and care about dressing sustainably, of course! Alexandra Huang, in her debut piece, gives us the rundown on three eco-conscious brands that you can feel good about wearing.
Read MoreWhat in sunscreen protects your skin from the sun? What makes gives makeup waterproofing quality? And what happens to these substances when you jump in the ocean or wash your face? Find out how to simultaneously care for your skin and the Earth with Emma Belanger’s debut piece!
Read MoreTrue or false—there isn’t enough food to feed the world population. Find out with Ginny Ip’s piece, debunking four common myths surrounding world hunger.
Read MoreCurious what “Certified Humane” and other food labels really mean? Ginny Ip has you covered.
Read MoreJapan is serious about recycling, like a separating recyclables into more than 10 categories kind of serious. Ginny Ip learned this and more on her trip to Hokkaido, Japan.
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