Posts in News
Single-Use Plastic Waste Surges During COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March, the production of single-use plastic and disposable medical masks has skyrocketed. Now, this waste has begun to overwhelm waste management systems and pollute ecosystems worldwide in an unforeseen consequence of these safety measures. Genevive Kosciolek has the story.

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Evanston adopts Environmental Justice Resolution

On Monday, September 14, the Evanston City Council voted 8-0 in favor of adopting an environmental justice resolution. The resolution acknowledges the disproportionate effects of environmental issues on communities of color in the Evanston area, and outlines actions to correct these injustices. Read more about the process this resolution went through to get adopted here.

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How Citizens’ Greener Evanston Keeps the Movement Alive During A Global Pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic ravished its way through the Evanston community this year, everything was brought to a halt. Community activists like Citizens’ Greener Evanston president Rachel Rosner were faced with the task of balancing the fear of an unknown virus while adapting to a new online form of activism.

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Fossil Free Northwestern aims for Northwestern Board of Trustees divestment in fossil fuels

Since its foundation in 2012, Fossil Free Northwestern has pressured the school’s Board of Trustees to divest in fossil fuels, but to no avail. Bella Wilkes and Margo Milanowski explains why the divestment movement is important, and what Fossil Free has done to date.

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Extinction Rebellion In Chicago: ‘Sounding the Alarm on Climate Change’

Since its Declaration of Rebellion against the UK Parliament last year, global climate-action movement Extinction Rebellion has engaged masses around the world. Two weeks of nonviolent civil disobedience organized by Extinction Rebellion ended October 18. In Chicago, protesters took to Daley Plaza in a demonstration.

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New UN Treaty in the Works to Protect the World’s Waters

The health of the world’s oceans is deteriorating quickly, but the task of governing and protecting this common resource from exploitation is a formidable one. Casey Beidelman’s debut article gives an informative and succinct summary of the policies that the UN is planning to implement to tackle these issues.

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ION Goes to Sweet Saturday

How do cacao pods become the smooth and sweet chocolate that we adore? What the heck is molasses? If agave is a succulent, why does it produce agave nectar? We’re pretty far removed from the plants that our food comes from today, especially in Chicago in winter. A couple weekends ago, ION members trekked to Garfield Conservatory to rekindle their understanding of the process from plants to food. Read more in Carlyn’s article.

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A Guide to Casting an Environmentally Conscious Ballot in Evanston

Environmental issues seem to have been put on the back-burner this election. They are just as if not more relevant this race, however, especially with the open position of Water District Commissioner. Marleigh Thorn has the scoop—a succinct and informative summary of the environmental policies of politicians this midterm. Don’t forget to hit the polls this November 6 and cast your informed ballot.

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