Western Voices


By Eric Lombardo

"Sometimes I get into a grind where I’m just working a lot. As I get older, I get pulled more and more into it. There’s more responsibility with family and all. But I was out biking in the Wasatch the other day and started asking myself why I don’t do this more. Man’s world is so structured, planned, flawed. But out here it’s something different. If you look for imperfections, they’re everywhere! Plants grow in one patch of dirt but not another, the rocks are jumbled together. It’s all chaos, but there is beauty in that chaos.
In a city, you have new jobs and new friends, but you always kind of know what is out there. There are gyms, clubs, crossfit. Everytime you go outside you find something different.I’m here this week leading a Scout group and I’m hoping to show them, a lot of them are city kids, what’s really out there.
Evening in camp along the banks of the Colorado River on the far outskirts of Moab, Utah
 Western Voices is a weekly photo project conducted by Eric Lombardo, a Northwestern senior, and project partner Alex Lochoff. For more information about the project, read the introduction here  or contact me at ericlombardo@u.northwestern.edu.

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